[Drabble] The Aurora



by aiveurislin starring SMRookies’ Lee Taeyong x OC’s Ashlaire Ahn duration drabble –counted 175 words genre AU!Romance rating T

disclaimer I only own the plot.

Aurora also means ‘sun-set’

summary long time no see, Ash!


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(Ficlet) Jongin & Johnny ‘s Project; Get Your Date!

get your date

Jongin-Jonny ‘s Project; Get your date!

By Zora

Chat Room! // EXO’s Kai-OC’s Yooyoung, SMRookies’s Johnny-OC’s Son Nami // Ficlet // PG!




Open Chat to Yoo-Youngie

JongKai88: Aku punya tiket nonton Jurassic World akhir pekan ini. Mau pergi?

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